About Course

Course Description

The purpose of this online course is to enhance the knowledge and expertise of clinicians and related professionals working with patients struggling with substance use disorders. The course will provide an overview of common addictive disorders seen in the primary care office and their management based on current best practice guidelines. We will use an active learning approach through live interactive sessions and discussions. This program will complement basic training and short courses offered in Pakistan for general practitioners to bridge the gap of specialty care, especially in underserved areas of Pakistan.  


At the end of the course, the participants would be able to:

1.    Explain a basic approach to history taking and screening of substance use disorders in a Primary Care setting. 

2.    Provide a review of approaches towards diagnosing the different substance use disorders. 

3.    Review approaches to evaluating and treating common presentations of substance use disorders in primary care settings.

Mode of Delivery

Three hours of contact sessions through Zoom once a month with the ability to view the content later online for self-paced learning. 

Target Audience

Primary: Primary care and specialty physicians – General Practitioners, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and related mental health practitioners currently working with patients suffering from substance use disorders.

Secondary: Residents, Fellows and Medical Students

Course Outline:

The course will be delivered on the Sunday of each month for three hours. Three lectures of 40 minutes each and then a QA session for 20 min after each session. The duration of the course will be three months. 

Course Duration: Three months

Time: 9: 00 AM EST – 12: PM EST

Course Modules:

Month 1 – July 23rd, 2023

Lecture 1:     History Taking, Screening, and Neurobiology of Addiction: Nauman Ashraf, MD
Lecture 2:     Nicotine Use Disorder: Aitzaz Munir, MD
Lecture 3:    Vaping: Sivabalaji Kaliamurthy, MD

Month 2 – August 20th, 2023

Lecture 1: Opioid Use Disorder:  Muhammad Aadil, MD
Lecture 2: Alcohol Use Disorder: Aitzaz Munir, MD
Lecture 3: Stimulant Use Disorder: Imad Din, MD

Month 3 – Sep 17th, 2023

Lecture 1:   Cannabis Use Disorder: Ahmad Rehan Khan, MD
Lecture 2:   Stages of Change, Overview of CBT, and Motivational Interviewing: Nauman Ashraf, MD
Lecture 3:  Clinical Cases and Post Survey: Panel of Experts

Course Director

Nauman Ashraf, MD

Course Faculty:

Imad Din, MD

Aitzaz Munir, MD

Sivabalaji Kaliamurthy, MD

Muhammad Aadil, MD

Ahmad Rehan Khan, MD

Course curriculum

    1. About Course

    2. Whatsapp Group

    1. Faculty

    2. Live Session

    3. Handouts - History Taking, Screening, and Neurobiology of Addiction

    4. Handouts - Nicotine Use Disorder

    5. Handouts - Vaping: Clinical Implications

    6. Required Reading 1 - Damage to the Insula Disrupts Addiction to Cigarette Smoking

    7. Required Reading 2 - Comparison of biomarkers of exposure among US adult smokers

    8. Required Reading 3 - Smoking cessation

    9. Module 1 Assignment - One Page Summary

    1. Faculty

    2. Live Session

    3. Handouts - Opioid Use Disorder

    4. Handouts - Alcohol Use Disorder

    5. Handouts - Stimulant Use Disorder

    6. Required Reading 1 - Harm Reduction in Outpatient Addiction

    7. Required Reading 2 - Alcohol Use Disorder

    8. Required Reading 3 - Stimulant use disorder

    9. Additional resources

    10. Additional resources

    11. Module 2 Assignment - One Page Summary

    1. Faculty

    2. Live Session

    3. Handouts - Cannabis Use Disorder

    4. Handouts - CBT

    5. Handouts - Clinical Cases

    6. Required Reading - Cannabis Use Disorder

    7. Required Reading - CBT

    8. Module 3 Assignment - One Page Summary

    1. Course Final Exam

About this course

  • $14.99
  • 31 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

Course Director

Course Director Nauman Ashraf, MD

Program Director, Psychiatry Residency Program, KCU-GME Consortium/Ozark Center Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry KCUMB (Adjunct) Medical Director, Addiction Services, Ozark Center