A virtual online medical academy

The National Academy of Medical Education by APPNA is a cloud based virtual academy where the highest quality medical education will be offered in a self paced manner to all medical students, residents and physicians in Pakistan without any boundaries. A project of APPNA MERIT (Medical Education Research Information and Technology Transfer) Committee.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who designs (instructs) these courses?

    All the courses are developed by sub-specialty faculty in North America relevant to that area of expertise under guidance from Academy Directors (medical educators). We start by defining the target audience and key objectives (goals) of the course.

  • What is the duration of a course?

    Each course has different duration based on topic, target audience, course methodology (self-paced vs guided) (individual vs cohort-based), objectives of the course and outcomes. We have courses from few hours (workshops) to 1 year (mini-fellowship) duration.

  • Do I Get a Course Certificate?

    Yes. you will receive a Course Certificate on successful completion of the course. The certificate is issued by MERIT Academy on behalf of APPNA MERIT Committee. It identifies course duration and Course directors. Successful completion is defined differently for each course and details will be given at the beginning of each course clearly.

  • For how many days a course will remain accessible?

    Each course will be accessible for 90 days.