Course curriculum

    1. Course Introduction

    2. Discussion Group

    3. Zoom Webinars

    1. Faculty

    2. Lecture 1 - Introduction to Leadership in Healthcare

    3. Lecture 2 - Becoming a Person of Influence

    1. Faculty

    2. Lecture

    1. Faculty

    2. Lecture

    1. Faculty

    2. Lecture

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 12 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content

About Course

Course Description:
This course aims to provide a comprehensive learning experience focusing on leadership, personal development, and professional growth specifically tailored for the healthcare context. This online course is designed to be an immersive and supportive learning environment that fosters leadership skills, personal growth, and professional development tailored for the unique challenges and opportunities in healthcare.

 Target Audience: 
Physicians, residents, fellows,  medical students

 Course Delivery Methods
Video Lectures, Live Webinars, Discussion Forums, Case Studies and Simulations, Peer Review Assignments, Resource Library.

Course Duration: 5 Months

Live Sessions Time: 12:00 PM US Eastern Time

Course Fee:

  • For residency applicants, it would be $50. Please send your USMLE score report at email [email protected] to get discount.
  • For rest, it would be $100
  • For APPNA Committees' Chairs and Co-Chairs, it would be free.

Course Modules:

April 13th 2024, 12PM EST
Module 1: Introduction to Leadership in Healthcare
Module 2: Becoming a Person of Influence

May 11th 2024, 12PM EST
Module 3: Coping with Failure
Module 4: Stress Management Techniques

June 8th 2024, 12PM EST
Module 5: Personal Development for Healthcare Professionals
Module 6: Professionalism and Ethics in Healthcare
Module 9: Career Development in Healthcare

July, APPNA Summer Meeting
Module 7: Women Empowerment in Healthcare
Module 8: Understanding Family Dynamics

Course Director: 
Dr. Fazal Mehmood, MD, MBA, DTM
Executive Director: Maxwell Leadership Team 

Course Co-Director:
Muhammad Zeshan, MD
Certified Maxwell Leadership Coach
Certified Master Parenting Coach
Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry 
President Nishtar Alumni of North America 

Course Organizer:
Sadiq Naveed, MD, MPH, DFAACAP
Chair, APPNA Merit Committee
Associate Professor of Psychiatry 
Program Director Psychiatry Residency Training Program, Eastern Connecticut Health Network, CT

Adeel Ahmad, MD, MBA, FCAP
Partner, Avantage Health
Assistant Professor of Oncology/Dermatology, Roswell Park Cancer Center, NY
Clinical Assistant Professor Dermatology, West Virginia University, WV
Associate Professor, Avalon University School of Medicine, OH 
Senior Dermatopathologist, Pinnacle Dermatology/ QualDerm Partners, IL
President elect, Pakistani American Pathologists Society (PAPS) 

Course Advisor:
Asif Mohiuddin, MD
President, APPNA 2024






Course Director Dr. Fazal Mehmood, MD

MBA, DTM; Executive Director: Maxwell Leadership Team

Course Co-Director Muhammad Zeshan, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ Diplomate American Board in Psychiatry & Neurology Diplomate American Board Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

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