
This is a blended course for medical students and recent graduates consisting of 2 lectures followed by 25 multiple choice questions. These 2 educational lectures is meant to share the knowledge among attendees about the basic life support.  Recognition of need for CPR and basic skills needed has been discussed including discussions on how and when to use AED, relieve airway obstruction in patient of every age and treatment strategies as applicable in areas where the services are limited and where we as healthcare providers can make an impact on saving lives.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to course

    1. Lecture 1

    2. Lecture 2

About this course

  • Free
  • 3 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content


Instructor Marriyam Moten

Prof. of Medicine Loma Linda University & University of California Riverside Past President APCNA Chair APPNA MERIT Cardiology Committee