The purpose of this online course is to provide a comprehensive and scientific approach to evaluate and manage common emergency presentations seen in the community setting. The course will discuss recommendations on management by general practitioners, based on current guidelines and evidence-based medicine. We will use an active learning approach through live interactive sessions, assignments, and discussions. Faculty includes experts from the US, UK, Australia and Pakistan, from both Pediatrics and Family Medicine. This program will complement basic trainings and short courses offered in Pakistan for general practitioners to bridge the gap of specialty care, especially for those who are serving in underserved areas.


At the end of this enduring material, participants should be better able to:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to understand the basic pathophysiology of common emergency presentations.
  2. Outline the proper approach to the initial management, history taking, physical examination, differential diagnosis and treatment of common emergency presentations.
  3. Recognize when to seek consultation with other healthcare providers and/or transfer patients safely to healthcare settings where resources for optimal patient care are available.


This enduring material is intended for a broad audience including general physicians, primary care providers, specialty physicians, physicians in training (residents and fellows), and medical students. 

Course curriculum

    1. Introductory Video

    2. Meet your Faculty!

    3. Course Overview

    4. WhatsApp Discussion group

    1. Module 1 - Objectives

    2. Module 1 Faculty

    3. Presentation: Interpretation of Common emergency investigations

    4. Live Session: Interpretation of Common emergency investigations

    5. Exit Ticket Module 1 (required)

    6. Write MCQ Module 1

    7. Required Reading - Discussion

    8. Optional Reading-Management of spontaneous pneumothorax

    9. Optional Reading-Non-invasive ventilation in cardiogenic pulmonary edema

    10. Optional Reading-EBCA Paracetamol Overdose 2nd May 2020 new

    11. One Minute Paper - required assignment

    1. Module 2 - Objectives

    2. Module 2 Faculty

    3. Presentation: Acute Management of Fever Leading to Sepsis

    4. Live Session: Acute Management of Fever Leading to Sepsis

    5. Exit Ticket Module 2 (required)

    6. Write MCQ Module 2

    7. Required Reading - Discussion

    8. Optional Reading: International Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock 2021

    9. Optional Reading: Quality Standard on Sepsis

    10. One Minute Paper - required assignment

    1. Module 3 - Objectives

    2. Module 3 Faculty

    3. Presentation: Manegement of Acute Respiratory Distress

    4. Live Session: Management of Acute Respiratory Distress

    5. Exit Ticket Module 3 (required)

    6. Write MCQ Module 3

    7. Required Reading - Discussion

    8. Optional Reading-Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Diagnosis and Management

    9. One Minute Paper - required assignment

    1. Module 4 - Objectives

    2. Module 4 Faculty

    3. Presentation: Management of Acute Abdomen and Dysentery

    4. Live Session: Management of Acute Abdomen and Dysentery

    5. Exit Ticket Module 4 (required)

    6. Write MCQ Module 4

    7. Required Reading - Discussion

    8. Optional Reading - Approach to the adult with acute diarrhea

    9. One Minute Paper - required assignment

    1. Module 5 - Objectives

    2. Module 5 Faculty

    3. Presentation: Endocrine Emergencies

    4. Live Session: Endocrine Emergencies

    5. Exit Ticket Module 5 (required)

    6. Write MCQ Module 5

    7. Required Reading - Discussion

    8. One Minute Paper - required assignment

About this course

  • $14.99
  • 81 lessons
  • 9 hours of video content

Need Discount?

If you are a trainee or medical student , MERIT Academy has special discounts for you in this course. Kindly send us an email at [email protected] to get discounts on this course.

Course Faculty

Course lead Bakhtiar Ishtiaq, MD

Attending physician Emergency department Phelps Memorial Hospital New York.

Course Co-lead Dr. Fatima Jehangir

FCPS Assistant Professor Dept. Of Family Medicine Ziauddin University Hospital

Course Co-lead Dr. Hisham Haq

GP Partner MRCGP DRCOG DOccHealth CertMedEdu APPNE social and corporate secretary