A Stroke Fellow Blended Education Program

Training the “Stroke Leaders of Tomorrow"

Course Description: 

This course is designed to enhance knowledge and expertise of physicians practicing in the field of stroke. It will help develop a workforce of neurologists with training in stroke that can guide, supervise and facilitate stroke care at all levels of healthcare.


  • To be confident and safe in management of acute stroke
  • To build stroke programs and improve quality of stroke care
  • To be able to manage basic neurocritical care for cerebrovascular diseases

Target Audience:

Neurology trainees and Recent Graduates of Neurology Training Programs

Course Duration:

9 months. Starting from 1st February 2024

Course Fee:

The fee for this program is $500 (one time only). 

Course Methodology:

The fellowship program utilizes a blended learning approach, integrating self-directed learning with weekly online interactive sessions and feedback. The program comprises of module based learning with a manageable weekly commitment of 2-4 hours.

Application Process:

Fill out the online form: https://bit.ly/strokefellowship2024

Submit the following documentation through form:

  • Curriculum Vitae,       
  • Transcripts of the degree,
  • A support letter from a faculty member/program director,
  • A statement of purpose, 
  • Other supporting documents that you believe will help   support your application

Course Directors:

M. Fareed K. Suri MD
Stroke Director,
St Cloud Hospital Minnesota
Director, APPNA MERIT Stroke Course

Shahid Rafiq MD
Stroke Director, 
West Virginia University of School of Medicine

Dr. Maria Khan Junaidi
MBBS, FCPS Neurology, MSc Epi-Bio. 
Co-Director Comprehensive Stroke center,  Rashid Hospital, Dubai, UAE

Academic Advisor:

Danish Bhatti MD FAAN
Associate Professor, University of Central Florida, College of Medicine